Title or Logo Reveal Animation
Short animated title, logo reveals, or typography animation are useful as opening intro, transition, or closing part of your videos.
Starts from $15/hour
Short animated title, logo reveals, or typography animation are useful as opening intro, transition, or closing part of your videos. Many video marketings use logo reveals animation to present the business name or the creator profile behind the video. In movies, film, game and TV, an animated title gives viewers quick insight about the contents in an attractive way. Some might use it as bumper / transition. A bumper clip that introduces your name with animated texts or logo will certainly give an impactful and branded impressions to the viewers’ mind. You can insert the designed video bumper animation at the start, middle, and/or end of your videos.
This animation service is not only recommended for video marketers. If you maintain YouTube channel, regularly post Instagram reels, share inspiring contents through various social media channels, produce product video explainers, then you might find it useful as well.
Whether you need a logo reveals animation, animated titles for your content, opening of a story, or a brandable bumper clip, our professional animator can create eye-catchy animations that viewers will be thrilled with.
Let’s give your videos a new logo bumper / animated text today! Get in touch today and let’s talk about how to boost your video impressions and impacts by adding an animated title or a logo reveal.
Brief Guidelines
- Your logo in vector file format (AI, EPS or SVG) or the text / the title
- Information about your business or your product and the intended audiences (target market).
- Reference / examples of some animations that you like (just to draw inspirations and get our expectations aligned).
- Branding guidelines document (if any).
Or Contact us
- .MOV
- .MP4
- .AE
Est. timeframe
During normal season, the estimated delivery time is 5 days.